Two Ingredient Fudge Hearts couldn't be an easier surprise for that someone special on Valentine's day. Just a couple of steps and these Fudge Hearts are ready to go.
For those in St. Louis that watch me on KMOV's Great Day St. Louis, I will be on the first Thursday of every month now. This is the segment for this Thursday.
These do not require anything but heating a few ingredients together. No taking temperatures or concern that the fudge hearts will be grainy when finished. Perfect fudge, every time.
They can be finished with any topping you wish such as nuts, chocolate chips, etc. I chose red sugar, chocolate sprinkles, brick pieces and white chocolate drizzle. But anyway you choose to do them, no finish, all one finish or multiple finishes these fudge hearts are sure to please.
Fudge Hearts1 pound milk or dark chocolate
1 14 ounce can condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
DecorationsRed sugar
Chocolate sprinkles
Toffee pieces
White Chocolate, melted
Line an 8x8 inch square baking pan with foil by turning it upside down and pressing it against the pan.
Remove the foil, keeping it in shape and turn the pan over.
Place the foil in the pan, leaving "wings" on the side to assist in removing it. Set aside.
Place the condensed milk, vanilla and chocolate In the top of a double boiler.
Mike noticed the vanilla looks like a giraffe!
Melt the ingredients. Do not overheat as the hotter it gets the thicker it gets.
Pour into prepared pan and spread evenly and quickly.
If you want multiple finishes like I have, use a 6 inch ruler or anything really that can be pushed into the fudge to mark the areas in 2" segments. While the ruler is in place, cover the fudge with the red sugar.
Move over 2 inches and cover with chocolate sprinkles.
Move over another 2 inches and cover with toffee pieces.
Leave the last 2 inches uncovered. Refrigerate until set. Remove from pan and remove foil.
If you have done multiple finishes, cut the fudge along the dividing lines. Cut out with a heart shaped cookie cutter.
Push the fudge heart up from the bottom so you don't mar the top.
The fudge can be stored at room temperature at this point.
And what to do with the scraps - these are the baker's reward - just don't eat them all at once.
Catherine says
Hello Helen, I just found this recipe!!! I am so anxious to try it. What type of chocolate do you recommend?
Thank you for your wonderful blog!
Helen S Fletcher says
Hi Catherine - I use Callebaut #811 semisweet callets. They look like chocolate chips but aren't. They are pure chocolate. They are easily found online. Any good chocolate would suffice if you can't wait. We're talking Guittard, Ghiridelli, etc in the baking aisle. Try for a chocolate around 55% to 60%. Don't go for the artisinal chocolate which is about 75% and higher. Enjoy your fudge!
Catherine says
Thank you again
Manon beland says
Hi Helen, your always do such an awesome job and inspire a lot of us ! wonder how on earth you manage all !? Great recipe ... Love the heart shape !
hfletcher says
Hello Manon: Thank you so much for your generous comments. It's a juggling act and so far, I haven't dropped a far!
Barbara Peterson says
I LOVE your recipes and have some books. Could I do the fudge with white chocolate?
hfletcher says
Hi Barbara - Thank you very much. I have never tried it with white chocolate. Since the composition of the white is so different from the dark, I would doubt it. But I've been wrong before. Look at it this way - if it doesn't work out and won't set up, you have a great sauce for ice cream, bread pudding, etc. Let me know if you try it and how it works out.
Also, be sure you have white chocolate and not white coating chocolate which is made of up different ingredients such as palm oil, etc.
Evelyn says
That's how I've made various kinds of fudge since 1990; but, I was never sharp enough to think of cutting it into shapes. Fabulous idea!
Vicki Bensinger says
I love this Helen, easy and quick! I will definitely make these. I love fudge - my favorite was the fudge they use to sell at Famous Barr. I wish I had that recipe - so good!
hfletcher says
Hi Vicki - I love fudge also. Be sure to serve these at room temp.
Zazamataz says
Hi Helen. I didn't know you did videos. That's very exciting but I see that some of your YouTube videos are marked as private. Is there a way to get approved to watch those videos? I specifically want to see the croissant video.
hfletcher says
I was doing a slideshow version of the photos on the blogs. The person doing them did a great job. However, I was paying for them and the viewership was non existent so I stopped. I will take a look at them, I have no idea why they are marked private unless I didn't finish all the ins and outs of putting them up.
I would love to do videos but just don't have the time. I've also thought about a podcast but again it is time. Being the pastry chef for a 4 star, 4 diamond restaurant, blogging for a magazine, doing TV and writing my own blogs is very time consuming.
Thanks for letting me know about the videos being marked private. I will get them up so you can see them. Let me know what you think.
hfletcher says
Thanks for your interest in the videos. I did something a bit different and the person making the slideshows for me did an outstanding job. But the viewership was non existent, I was paying to have these made and it was time consuming to get the material ready for the person executing them. I would love to do video, especially since I do TV locally so am used to that format. But time is my problem - or I should say the lack of time is my problem. Let me know what you think of how they were done - I would be very interested.
I will take a look at the videos and try to get them up and running. They may be marked private because they still need work to go public. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Nikki says
Good to see Mike is back taking photos. Not that you did not do a great job, it's just good to know he is recovered.
These hearts look great and I have printed the recipe and will be making them for a gathering next weekend.
Happy Valentines Day.
hfletcher says
Thanks Nikki. I can't tell you how happy I am he is back to doing the pictures. These are a fun, easy treat.
Mani says
Hi Helen
Happy Valentine's. These cuties are making me smile. Such a simple and fun recipe. Chocolate and Valentine's are like synonym with each other.
hfletcher says
For sure. Let me know what is going on with your many projects.